The Association for Mormon Letters
"Who's Who" in Mormon Literature
"What's Where" in Mormon Literature
"We will yet have Miltons and Shakespeares of our own. God's ammunition is not exhausted. His brightest spirits are held in reserve for the latter times. In God's name and by his help we will build up a literature whose top shall touch heaven, though its foundations may now be low in [the] earth." -- Orson Whitney, "Home Literature" Contributor, July, 1888 (Rpt. in A Believing People: Literature of the Latter-day Saints [Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 1974]: 206)
"For years I have been waiting for someone to do justice in recording in song and story and painting and sculpture the Restoration, the reestablishment of the kingdom of God on earth, the struggles and frustrations; the apostasies and inner revolutions and counter-revolutions of those first decades; of the exodus; of the counter-reactions; of the transitions; of the persecution days, of the miracle man, Joseph Smith, of whom we sing "Oh, what rapture filled his bosom, / For he saw the living God;" and of the giant colonizer and builder Brigham Young." -- Spencer W. Kimball, "The Gospel Vision of the Arts," Ensign (July, 1977): 5.See the list of essays surveying the past and future of Mormon Literature on the Mormon Criticism Home Page
Association for Mormon Letters
262 South Main
Springville, Utah 84663
Please send your updates, corrections, or comments to Gideon Burton:
Last updated Feb 28, 2001