Proceedings of The Association for Mormon Letters
The Association for Mormon Letters

Information about The Association for Mormon
The Association for Mormon Letters has met annually since 1976 to present and hear papers on
Mormon Literature, as well as to announce awards in Mormon
Literature and Criticism. The programs for each of its meetings appear below. Highlighted entries are links to full-text versions of many of these speeches (published originally in various issues of The Association for Mormon Letters Annual).
First Annual Symposium
Empire Room, Hotel Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 4, 1976
Morning Session
- Leonard Arrington, "The Mormon Heritage of Vardis Fisher"
- Bruce Jorgensen, "Heritage of Hostility: The Mormon Attack on Fiction in the
Nineteenth Century"
- Richard Cracroft, "Bishop Potts and Elder Dunbar: Max Adeler's Much-Married
- Richard Cummings, "Tension: Mormon Literature Facing Its Time,"
Luncheon Speaker: James Arrington, "Here's Brother Brigham" (discussion/performance)
Afternoon Session
- Davis Bitton, "Writings Engendered by the Martyrdom of Joseph Smith"
- "Being a Mormon and a Poet"
- Emma Lou Thayne
- Arthur Henry King
- John S. Harris
Second Annual Symposium
Marriott Library Auditorium, the University of Utah, Saturday, October 8, 1977
Aspects of Mormon Fiction
- Ed Geary, "Mormondom's Lost Generation: The Novelists of the 1940s."
- George Tate, Halldor Laxness: The Mormons and the Promised Land."
- Bruce Jorgensen, "The Life and Writing of David L. Wright."
Luncheon Speaker: Herbert Harker
Personal Literature
- Elaine Burnham, "The Orally-Told Tales About Solomon Henry Hale."
- Steven P. Sondrup, "The Literary Dimensions of Mormon Autobiography"
- Mary Bradford, "I, Eye, Aye: The Personal Essay in Mormon Literature"
Third Annual Symposium
Marriott Library, University of Utah, October 7, 1978
The Search for Self in Mormon Letters
- Maureen U. Beecher, The Diary and the Autobiography of Eliza Roxey Snow: A
Study in Three Genres
- Lavina Fielding Anderson: The Identity Crisis in L.D.S. Missionary Fiction
- Davis Bitton, Utah's Thoreau: Claude T. Barnes
Luncheon Speaker: Neal A. Lambert
The Mormon Novel, Folklore, and Moral Criticism
- William Wilson, "Folklore in The Giant Joshua"
- Richard Cracroft, "Samuel Taylor's Heaven Knows Why"
- Stephen L. Tanner, "A Moral Approach to Literary Criticism"
East Coast (Spring) Symposium
Newcomb Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, April 28, 1979
- Richard Rust, "'All Things Which Have Been Given of God...Are the Typifying of
Him': Typology in the Book of Mormon"
- Neal E. Lambert, "A Sense of Place in Mormon Literature"
- Chris Arrington, "The Women's Movement and the Literature of Religion"
- Steven P. Sondrup, "The Psalm of Nephi: A Lyric Reading"
- Tony Kimball, "The Process of Living: C.S. Lewis as a 'Guide of the Perplexed'"
Fourth Annual Symposium
Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, October 13, 1979
The Book of Mormon as Literature
- Mark Thomas, "Lehi's Dream: An American Apocalypse"
- Steven C. Walker, "More Than Meets the Eye: Book of Mormon Concentration"
- Clifton Holt Jolley, "Rhetorical Evidence for Claiming Moroni as a Tragic
Luncheon Speaker: Richard J. Cummings, "Some Reflections on the Mormon Identity Crisis"
Theme and Character in Mormon Fiction
- Elouise M. Bell, "'(Almost) All is Well': Thematic Sophistication as an Index of
Quality in Short Stories by L.D.S. Student Writers"
- Bruce W. Jorgensen, "'Herself Moving Beside Herself, Out There Alone': The Shape
of Mormon Belief in Virginia Sorensen's The Evening and the Morning Star"
- Linda Sillitoe, "'The Upstream Swimmers': Female Rebels as Protagonists in
Mormon Novels"
East Coast (Spring) Symposium
Boston, Massachusetts, May 10, 1980
- Bruce Young, "Emerson, Thoreau, and Mormonism"
- Eleanor Hart, "Confession as Discovery: An Examination of the Confession Art
Form of Two Mormon Pioneer Journals"
- Ellen Knight, "'Deseret; or, A Saint's Affliction,' An American Opera."
- Susan Howe, "The Use of 'Cultural Myth' in Universalizing Mormon Fiction"
- Karen Lynn, "Sensational Virtue: Anti-Polygamy Fiction and American Popular
- Nicolas Shumway, "Art and Worship: Towards a Theoretical Accommodation"
Fifth Annual Symposium
Weber State College, Ogden, Utah, September 27, 1980
Morning Session
- Marilyn Arnold, "Prospects for the New Center for the Study of Christian Values in
- John D. Peters, "An Occupation for the Saint: A Mormon View of T.S. Eliot's
Religious Poetry"
- Marden Clark, "The More Perfect Order Within: Being the Confession of an
Unregenerate but not Unrepentant Mistruster of Mormon Literature"
Luncheon Speaker: Eugene England
Afternoon Session
- Linda Sillitoe, Contemporary Poems by Mormon Woemn: New Voices, New
- Levi S. Peterson: "Lambent Voices: Recent Mormon Fiction"
East Coast (Spring) Symposium
House Budget Hearing Room, Rayburn Building, Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., April 25,
- Robert Wood, "The Philosophy of States and the Forms of Government: The
Mormon Position"
- Sandra Ballif Straubhaar, "Mormons in Science Fiction"
- Susan Howe, "Progress Report: Exponent II"
- Marlene Payne, "Archetypes and Mythology: Connections with Mormon Thought"
- Donna Hill, "How and Why I Wrote Joseph Smith: The First Mormon""
Sixth Annual Symposium
Note: Beginning in 1982, the annual symposium moved to late January-early February of
each year
Marriott Library, University of Utah, January 23, 1982
Session on Mormons and Critical Theory
- Bruce Harper, "Mormons and Modern Literary Theory"
- James E. Faulconer, "An Alternative to Aristotelian Criticism"
- Stephen W. Durrant, "Lessons from Chinese Criticism"
- James E. Ford, "Interesting Critical Times: The Moral Implications of
Luncheon Speaker: Levi S. Peterson, "The Civilizing of Mormondom: The Indispensable Role
of the Mormon Intellectual"
Session on Mormon Literature
- Roger Miller, "Whoso Readeth, Let Him Understand: Latter-day Scripture and the
Problem of Translation"
- Gloria Cronin, "Grace and Isolation: A Thematic Examination of Eileen Kump's
Bread and Milk and Other Stories"
- Steven C. Walker and Lorna Nielsen Best, A Reading from the Poetry of Clinton F.
- John B. Harris, "The Poetry of Clinton F. Larson"
East Coast (Spring) Symposium
Boston, Massachusetts, June 4-5, 1982
Friday (Faneuil Hall)
Panel: Editors of Mormon Publications
- Exponent II (Nancy Dredge, Linda Collins, Susan Paxman)
- Benson Institute Newsletter (Kevin Barnhurst
- Dialogue (Eugene England, Mary Bradford, Lavina Fielding Anderson)
- Sunstone (Lori Winder)
Saturday (Cambridge Ward chapel)
- Brian Ward, "The Privileged Criteria in Literary Evaluation"
- Nicolas Shumway, "The God Within"
- Tony Kimball, "The Mirror of Stupidity: Mormon Political Writing"
- Mary Bradford, "'The State of the Union': 'Dialogue' and Mormon Writing."
Seventh Annual Symposium
Marriott Library, University of Utah, January 22, 1983
Perspectives on RLDS Literature
- Paul M. Edwards, "Moonbeams from a Larger Lunacy: RLDS Poetry"
- Karen Lynn, "RLDS Hymns"
Presidential Address: Lavina Fielding Anderson, "Making the Good Good for Something"
First Afternoon Session
- Mick McAllister, "Vardis Fisher's Mormon Heritage"
- Ted Lyon, "A Grandfather's Poetry: John Lyon"
Second Afternoon Session
- Roy Bird, "Marxism, Mormonism, and Aesthetic Standards"
- Cherry Silver, "Patient Griseldas and Cinderella Heroes"
East Coast (Spring) Symposium
Philadephia, Pennsylvania, May 13-14, 1983
Session One: Philosophical Hall
- Eugene England, "Are Mormon Women Freer than Men under the Patriarchy: The
Evidence of Mormon Literature"
- Panel Response:
- Claudia Bushman
- Eloise Bell
- Mary Bradford
- JoAnn Younge
- Susan Howe
Session Two: Housten Hall, University of Pennsylvania
- Susan B. Taber, "Editorial Structure and Unity in The Book of Mormon"
West Coast (Fall) Symposium
Huntington Library, San Marino, California, September 17, 1983
Session One: Language, Perception, and Personality
- Chris Conkling, "One-and-only-truth vs. Philosophical Pluralism in Mormon Life and Letters"
- Irene Bates, "Mormon Letters--The Other Kind"
- Nicolas Shumway, "Truth and Language in the Judeo-Christian Tradition"
Session Two: "What Makes Religion News"
Russell Chandler, religion editor, L.A. Times
Session Three: Historical Perspectives
- Valeria Franco, "The Mormon Collection at the Huntington"
- Maureen Ursenbach Beecher, "'On Subjects Not Disclosed': An Interlinear to the Diaries of Eliza R. Snow"
- Grant Underwood, "'Saved or Damned': Tracing a Persistent Protestantism in Early Mormon Thought"
- [reading by Steven P. Sondrup] Levi Peterson, "Road to Damascus"
- Gloria Cronin, "Levi Peterson's Development as a Writer"
Session Four: Mormon Hymns and Children's Songs: High Church to High Comedy"
Ruth Rees, Karen Lynn
Eighth Annual Symposium
Marriott Library, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, January 21, 1984
Session One: The Literature of Immigration
- Margaret Rampton Munk
- William Mulder
- Frederick S. Buchanan
Session Two: Mormon Women Writers
- Cherry and Barnard Silver, "The Poetry of Madelyn Cannon Stewart"
- Neila Seshachari, "Confrontation vs. Tradition: The Lives of Trapped Women in Maurine Whipple's The Giant Joshua"
- Linda Wilcox, "Contemporary Writing on Motherhood by Mormon Women"
- Gloria Cronin, "Contemporary Mormon Folklore: Two Female Folk Performers"
- Annette Sorensen Rogers, commentary
East Coast (Spring) Symposium
Atlanta, Georgia, May 19, 1984
- LuDene Dallimore, "Mercy, Zina, and Kate: Virginia
Sorensen's Strong Women in a Man's Society"
- Edward A. Geary, Joseph and His Brothers: Rivalry in
Virginia Sorensen's On This Star
- Audrey M. Godfrey, "The Promise Is Fulfilled: Literary
Aspects of John D. Fitzgerald's Novels
- Helynne H. Hansen, "In Search of Women's Language and
Feminist Expression Among Nauvoo Wives in A Little Lower Than the Angels
- John S. Harris, "Risk and Terror"
- Robert M. Hogge, "Levels of Perception in Michael Fillerup's
Visions and Other Stories
- Susan Elizabeth Howe, "Little Books From a Large Soul: The
Private Poetry of Virginia Sorensen"
- Derk Michael Koldewyn, "Though Like the Wanderer": Outside
the Group in Mormon Short Fiction
- Neal W. Kramer, "Reading Mormon Stories: An Ethical
- Mick McAllister, "Embracing the Other: The Beloved Alien
and Other Ethical Fictions of Orson Scott Card"
- MaryJan Gay Munger, "A Look at Contemporary Mormon Poetry: One Harvester's Opinion
- Marian Nelson, "Drinking, and Flirting with the Mormon
- Steven L. Olsen, "Abridging the Records of the Zoramite
Mission: Mormon as Historian"
- "Domesticity and the Call to Art: A Panel"
- Julie J. Nichols
- Gail Newbold
- Lisa Orme Bickmore
- Margaret Blair Young
- Bruce W. Jorgensen
Gore Auditorium, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, Utah, February 20, 1999
Session I: The Mormon Literary Family and Literary Ecology
- John Bennion, "Esther Anne and Me: An Essay into Boundaries"
- John Needham, "Unable to Hide in the Certainty Anymore: Phyllis
Barber's _How I Got Cultured_ as Literary Family Album"
- Janet Garrard Willis, "Dessert Phoenix"
- Brandie Siegfried, "Thoughts on an Ecology of Meditation"
Session II: A Diverse Gathering of Mormon
Poets (Readings)
- Robert Christmas
- Robert Hogge
- Lance Larsen
- Scott Samuelson
Luncheon Speaker: Neal W. Kramer, "Heart, Mind, and Soul: The
Power of Mormon Letters"
Session III: "I'll Take Mormon Potpourri for
200, Alex": Folklore, Theatre, and Popular Culture
- Kristi Bell, "Is Dating One Big Jack Weyland Novel?"
- David Allred, "Reflections and Deflections: Austin and Alta Fife
and Mormon Ethnography"
- Melinda Mathes Wolfer, "Po-Mo-Mo(rmonism):The Quintessence of
- Eric Samuelsen, "Typically Mormon: Neil Labute, Johnny Whitaker,
Donny and Marie and the Mormonizing of Popular Culture"
Session IV: A Critical Culture
- Carolynne Durland, "When Athens and Jerusalem Meet: How A Mormon Should Read 'Whole Other Bodies'"
- Richard Y. Thurman, "A Most Remarkable Work: R. Paul Cracroft's A Certain Testimony: A Mormon Epic"
- Gideon Burton, "The Unerasable Mormonism of Lance Larsen's Erasable Walls"
- Richard Cracroft, "Samuel Woolley Taylor: Mormon (Literary)Maverick"
- Harlow Clark, "Those Who Hunger and Thirst after Writeousness"
Please send your updates, corrections, or comments to Gideon Burton: